#and with Alphinaud it's mutual tolerance of sorts
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#1: Vivi's monoclass drg only#2: He gets along equally well with both twins#3: He rarely lies definitely not in a way that matters.#2 is a lie#Vivi only gets along well with Alisaie#and with Alphinaud it's mutual tolerance of sorts#wolqotd#vivien rell#text post
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I’ve been trying to come up with more backstory for Meili to kinda give more character than the “silent protagonist”. Here are a few things I’m tinkering with:
Meili’s parents were young children part of a small group of 2 Doman immigrant families who fled Othard to Eorzea following the Garlean’s invasion. Both families were of Raen origin.
The families settled down in the thick woods of the Black Shroud, staying mostly isolated from the locals using their own crafting and farming knowledge to sustain themselves in the wild in a small home.
Meili’s father, Roku, and mother, Tsuji, married when they were older. The two had 4 children: Sai, Hatsuhime, Meili, and Kichiko.
Sai left home at a young age to become an adventurer and eventually fell out of contact with the family, leaving the group to believe he had perished at some point.
Hatsuhime married an Elezan farmer, has given birth to two children and was pregnant with her third at the start of Meili’s journey.
Kichiko is still very young and lives with Hatsuhime and her family.
With Roku a vigilant hunter becoming gradually weakened from heart disease and Tsuji being busy with household tasks and helping raise Meili’s abundance of cousins, Sai and Hatsuhime were Meili’s primary caretakers as she grew up. Meili and Sai were particularly close with their shared desire to leave home to become adventurers.
Meili’s Journey:
Meili left home to become an adventurer like Sai. Her motivation was to “escape” the very crowded residence of her childhood home and experience the outside world.
Meili was 19 when she arrived in Gridania.
Over the course of her journey, Meili has found evidence that Sai may still be alive. When she has free time from her duties as a Scion, she tries to find more leads to locate him.
Meili used to visit home every few months, but as time continues on, she visits home less and less. She has not visited since coming to Ishgard and her following involvement in the Dragonsong War.
Meili will reunite with Sai during the liberation of Othard and Ala Mihgo from the Garlean Empire (Stormblood). Sai was also gifted with Hydaelyn’s Echo, but became possessed by the Ascians. Meili will be forced to fight and kill him.
Meili’s real or birth name is “Sei”. Having more of a thirst for combat and training than her older sister, Sei’s nickname became “Meili” as she was growing up after a lancer who died helping her family flee Othard.
Having to share a small house with two gradually expanding families, Meili’s dream (or at least one of them) is to own a large house with lots of space. However, should she obtain such, she’d realize how lonely a large house with only one person living in it would be. She’d ultimately be much happier in something relatively cozy.
Despite her frustrations with having to share a room with so many people growing up, she had trouble sleeping alone her first few weeks of her adventure.
Meili is a closet party girl. Normally she’s very humble, friendly, and disciplined, but living in isolation, she didn’t have a lot of opportunities to be “rebellious” and the temptation is too much for her now. She likes to think she’s above childish pranks and antics, but she’s not.
Meili’s favorite dishes are Triple Cream Coffee, Pineapple Ponzecake, and Royal Eggs. Her favorite cuisines as a whole are Ishgardian/alpine and Doman/oriental, but Meili’s a bit of a glutton and enjoys nearly all foods.
Meili has an extremely high tolerance for spicy foods and a relatively low tolerance for alcohol.
Meili has a very feminine aesthetic, loving the color pink, flowers, ribbons, and hearts.
Her private chambers in her Free Company’s estate has a large pink canopy bed and lots and lots of stuffed animals (since she never had big fluffy dolls growing up); she’s embarrassed by this since she thinks they make her look childish and doesn’t let anyone but her most trusted friends in her room as a result.
“From the Author” Notes:
There are a few “small” ships I have for Meili. There’s mutual flirting between her and Roil, a brief infatuation she had with Ilberd while he was with the Crystal Braves, but I consider her ‘main’ ship to be a sort of puppy love ship with Alphinaud where he develops a crush on her time goes on.
#my baby meili#this started as a few little headcanons and blew up#nothing's set in stone but this is kinda what i've been feeling for her
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